Singer · Actor · Composer · Writer · Diva
La Charlatanne

“The set-list was spliced together by Egan's droll, self-deprecating commentary, another veil, another disguise, for La Charlatanne to hide behind. However, the most absorbing aspect of Egan's performance was the raw vulnerability that underpinned all the charades ... Egan is a pure and accomplished singer. Not quite a faker then. More like the real thing.”
Absolute Cabaret

Absolute Cabaret (Whelan’s, January, 2006)
“Egan strings her latest cabaret along a glittering line of witty riffs and self-deprecating one-liners… From beret to bowler, top-hat to feather boa, Egan is a consummate role-player.”
Love Me or Leave Me
Rakastajat-teatteri, Finland 2011

"In the intimate atmosphere of the Hilkka stage Karen wins her audience immediately. Many fine, funny and touching interpretations follow through the evening ... Some long speeches are pure and skilful stand-up comedy with lots of irony, sometimes teasing and sexy or sarcastic, but always with style."
– SATAKUNNAN KANSA (Finnish Regional Newspaper)
“This one woman show is again brilliant proof of Karen Egan’s splendid charisma and phenomenal versatility, which is very close to perfect."
– UUSI AIKA (Finnish Regional Newspaper)
Rakastajat-teatteri, Finland 2010

‘The combination of tactful, spiky comedy and profound song interpretation requires a rare talent. Karen Egan succeeds in this task effortlessly."
– SATAKUNNAN KANSA (Finnish Regional Newspaper)
“The audience in Pori rewarded Ms. Egan’s work with wild applauses. The Irish comedienne had performed not just her own songs with great care, but she also gave the funniest show in the Finnish language without losing her edge.”
– SATAKUNNAN TYÖ (Finnish Regional Newspaper)